Mindfulness Based Compassionate Living (MBCL)

Follow On Programme


18th March 2020 – 13th May 2020
(Practice day 2nd May)


7:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Eligible to Attend:

Anyone who has followed a basic mindfulness course such as Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), or Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and wishes to further their understanding and practice of how to deal with the stresses of life.



Aim: Every human being has a capacity for compassion, but many of us struggle with balancing care of ourselves and caring for those around us.  Fortunately, compassion can be developed and deepened.  this course builds on established mindfulness skills and facilitates deeper reflection and exercises in cultivating compassion for both ourselves and others.

This 8 session Mindfulness based Compassionate Living (MBCL) training programme is grounded in science, developed by mental health professionals and mindfulness medication experts Eric Van Den Brink (Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist) and Frits Koster (Medication Teacher). The course has been widely taught, particularly in Holland and the U.K., to those who wish to learn to deal in a healthy way with the stresses and suffering that life brings.

The MBCL course is particularly suitable for those who find mindfulness practice beneficial but have difficulty integrating it into their daily lives and developing a kind and compassionate attitude towards themselves and others.

Course Outline:  The programme follows the model of the MBSR / MBCT / MSc course (8 sessions of 2.5 hours and a day retreat).  Participants commit themselves to set aside an hour daily for practice at home with the help of a workbook and audio exercises.

Accreditation / CPD:  A certificate of attendance shall be provided.

Hilary Smyth MBSR & MBI Mindfulness Teacher, MBCL Compassion Teacher, RGN, BNS, H.Dip Palliative Care, MSc Palliative Care, Cert Counselling.

Hilary has worked in Palliative Care as a Nurse Specialist and Educator since 2000, both in Dublin (Our Lady’s Hospice & UCD) and Limerick (Milford Care Centre & N.U.I.G.).  Her interest in Mindfulness and particularly Mindful Compassion, has grown with experience of caring for those at the end of life, and from life itself.  She is passionate about sharing with others ways in which mindfulness and compassion can develop resilience to meet life’s challenges.
