Activity Report 2022

Activity Report 2021

MCC Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Mid-West Palliative Care Strategy 2021-2025 – ‘All services working together to care for persons with life limiting conditions’

Healthcare agencies across the Mid-West have come together to deliver a new five-year strategy for Palliative Care in Limerick, Clare and North Tipperary.  The “Mid-West Palliative Care Strategy (2021-2025), which was launched in September 2021, sets out a vision to bring improvements to the high quality palliative care services already available in the region.

The Strategy has been jointly developed by Milford Care Centre, HSE Mid-West Community Healthcare and UL Hospitals Group and seeks to further develop a partnership approach among each of these key healthcare partners.  It has been informed by our families, staff and volunteers, plus the many healthcare professionals, service providers, funding partners and policymakers we consulted and lays out an ambitious road map for our development over the next five years.

Its focus is “all services in the Mid West working together to care for persons with life limiting conditions.”  In practice, it will function as the roadmap on which initiatives over the coming years will be developed and implemented by the HSE and Milford Care Centre, with the support of other key agencies and voluntary partners across the Mid West.

It sets out a vision for the next five years that aims to ensure:

  • A greater understanding of palliative care among the public and healthcare staff
  • Timely access to services
  • Increased opportunities for people who want to receive end of life care at home
  • Pursuit of International best practice

Specific targets contained within the plan include a reduction in unnecessary hospital admissions, the establishment of more formal links between care providers in order to benefit service users and improved access to palliative care throughout Limerick, North Tipperary and Clare.

The new Strategy builds on a previous Strategic Plan, which was launched in 2013 and saw the completion of a new 34-bed specialist in-patient unit in Milford Care Centre, as well as a targeted expansion of the Centre’s broad range of education programmes, which have proven to be an invaluable resource to frontline staff across all agencies.

I would like to thank everyone involved for their time, consideration and input.

Mary O’Brien
CEO Milford Care Centre

Mid-West Palliative Care Strategy (2021 – 2025)


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