Speech and Language TherapyThe Speech and Language Therapist is a member of the multidisciplinary team. We work with people who may be experiencing difficulties with their ability to communicate and/or swallow.

Our Speech and Language Therapist can:

  • Help you if you are having difficulty communicating and/or swallowing.
  • Provide you with communication aids/devices that will help you to communicate effectively.
  • Advise and give recommendations on the appropriate diet and fluids that will help you to manage your swallowing difficulties.
  • Provide your family/carers with support and advice on effective communication and safe swallowing.
  • Advise other members of the multidisciplinary team who are supporting you how to help you with your communication and swallowing difficulties.
  • Work closely with the multi-disciplinary team at Milford Care Centre and in the community to ensure your complete care.

How do I see a Speech and Language Therapist?

The Speech and Language Therapist in Milford Care Centre is available to those who access services in the Inpatient Hospice Unit or the Specialist Palliative Care Day Unit.

You can be referred by any member of the multi-disciplinary team at Milford or you can ask to speak to us directly. On discharge from the hospice in-patient unit or Day unit you may be referred to your local Primary Care Speech and Language Therapy service for further assistance.

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