Our Donors and Supporters are at the core of what we do.  Your compassion, dedication and generosity empower us to deliver exceptional, specialised and person-centered care to patients, residents and their families.  Every year, we are thankful for the continued support we receive from both the local community and businesses alike.

We pledge to treat all our donors and supporters with utmost respect, honesty and transparency.  Our commitment is to uphold accountability in all facets of our operations, ensuring that donors and supporters have complete confidence in our organisational practices and fundraising endeavours.  Learn more about our pledge to transparency and accountability Donor Charter here

Our dedication extends to adhering to the Governance Code established by the Charities Regulatory Authority.  Learn more about the Charities Governance code by visiting here  Charities Governance Code (Charity Regulator.ie)

In order to maintain our commitment to donors, we are also committed to attaining the standards outlined in the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public as developed by the Charities Regulator.

We also take great pride in being awarded Triple Lock status by Charities Institute Ireland, a testament in our dedication to best practices in transparent reporting, accountability, ethical fundraising and good governance.  To learn more about the significance of our Triple Lock membership to both our beneficiaries and donors, please visit Charities Institute here Triple Lock Standard (Charities Institute Ireland)

We prepare our financial statements in accordance with FRS102 and Charities SORP (Statement of Recommended Practice).  Our audited accounts can be viewed here.

To read more about our Organisational Management and Governance, please visit here.

Our Data Protection Privacy Notice can be viewed here.

Feedback, compliments and complaints – Fundraising

At the heart of our endeavours lies the invaluable support of our Donors.  Aligned with our mission and core values: – Justice, Respect, Accountability, Communication and Compassion, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards in all our interactions and communications with our supporters.

We pledge to attentively address all input from our Donors.  We embrace both commendations and critiques, viewing them as catalysts for continuous improvements and growth.

Our commitment entails:

  1. Streamlined channels for providing feedback or lodging complaints.
  2. Treating any clear expression of dissatisfaction with our fundraising activities, practices or communications as a legitimate compliant.

Your voice matters to us and we are steadfast in our resolve to listen and respond effectively to your feedback.

Milford Care Centre is a registered charity in Ireland:-

Charity Number or CHY 12761
Charity Regulatory Authority No. or RCN 20038113
Company Registration Number 291969

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